“Eclipsing the Sun shows an eclipse I created, visible from only one location, by holding a disk in the air above me as the sun set behind me.” – CB collinbradford.org Airing throughout the Sunset program, May 10-31,
“Gallows (High Noon)” Jeremiah jones
A life size replica of the Gallows from High Noon in Joshua Tree California. This sculpture was created by artist Noah Purifoy. Gallows sits amongst an expansive outdoor gallery of installations, sculptures and
“Accelerating the Sunset (by riding a bicycle away from the sun as fast as I can)” Colin Bradford
“Accelerating the Sunset (by riding a bicycle away from the sun as fast as I can) shows my attempt to change the speed of the setting sun by changing my position on the earth’s surface during
“Hermeneutics” Alexei Dmitriev
This piece is a visual illustration of what hermeneutics is. With the cunning use of WWII footage it makes you believe that you are watching a proper war film. When you already expect the usual archive
“That Which Moves The Sun And Stars” Takahiro Suzuki
That Which Moves The Sun And Stars is a piece that examines the idea of fate and its existence. The piece follows the path of one whose perception of fate is brought to question.
“In a Flash” Matthew-Robin Nye and Marc Wieser
In a flash a future opens up but you’ve just as soon missed it a moment between stolen twilight borrowed dawn in a flash one consciousness flickers into another green opportunity green between don’t blink don’t think the pinprick of the moment-of-becoming happens in a flash explode the
“Joseph lights Sarah’s cigarette with the Sun” Sarah and Joseph Belknap
Joseph lights Sarah’s cigarette with the Sun. sarahandjoseph.com Airing throughout the High Noon program, April 19-May 10,
“film” pablo marin
In-camera investigations of (filmic) nature. Rustic homages to early avant-garde landmarks and wild landscapes of the 21st Century. – PM vimeo.com/user2758835 Airing throughout the High Noon program, April 19-May 10,
“Passage Upon the Plume” Fern Silva
www.fernsilva.com Airing throughout the High Noon program, April 19-May 10,
“Trypps #7 (Badlands)” Ben Russell
“Trypps #7 (Badlands) charts, through an intimate long-take, a young woman’s LSD trip in the Badlands National Park before descending into a psychedelic, formal abstraction of the expansive desert landscape. Concerned with notions of