“Sun Sunset Set” Robert Ladislas Derr

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At sunset, it is common for one to reflect on the day’s events and consider the next day. Sunset presents a visual symbol for the promise of a new day. It also gloriously rewards the end of the day. Contemplation of the sunset is age-old as we reflect on our existence in the universe. In the three-channel split screen video, I visually draw attention to the metaphorical aspects of the sunset–the past, present, and future. The center camera with its continual gaze at the sunset represents the present. Panning back and forth with the two end cameras reifies the past/future dichotomy of the sunset. To further emphasize this duality, corresponding to the movement of the cameras, I record an audio track of me phonating “sun” and “set”. The three videos create one panorama of the setting sun. The camera movements accentuated by the spoken words sun and set, create a hallucinogenic effect. – RLD


Airing throughout the Sunset program, May 10-31, 2015 

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