“Tilia Americana” Megan Rooney

Megan_Rooney_Opening_Times_Tilia_americana_2014 Megan_Rooney_Opening_Times_Tilia_americana_2014(2)

Tilia Americana

Megan Rooney
HD Video
Commissioned by Opening Times

Rooney has created a set of five sequential, multi-framed videos, aurally driven by a narrated text. The videos incorporate elements of drawing, sculpture and performance, portraying women obscured by water-coloured pillow cases in different suburban situations. The audio track accompanying the videos is a voiceover of the artist reading a fractured and dreamlike prose poem.



Airing September 1 – 3, 2015
& during Tele-novela HIGHLIGHTS, October 31, 2015

As part of Tele-novela

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