“Fruit Hospital” Tara Nelson

Fruit Hospital Episode 1 Fruit_Hospital Episode 1 Fruit Hospital_Episode 1 FruitHospital Episode 1

A Soap Opera from the Fifth Dimension!  In this episode we meet Harry Mann, a sinister Simian with an injured Banana that needs medical attention, STAT!  Sassy Nurse Hasenpfeffer Corndog admits the injured fruit while Hospital Handyman, Dick Glue, cleans up the compost from yesterday’s harvest.  In the operating room, Dr. Bean Pootin beams-in to administer a dose of golden elixir to the patient with the help of horny Nurse Corndog.  The dashing Dr. Wormhole comforts Harry Mann in the waiting room before helping himself to a spoonful of Nurse Corndog, still steamy from her O.R. romp with Bean Pootin, while Dick Glue lurks in the shadows, licking his wounds and plotting revenge.

Created by:
Elaine Bay
Not Deven Smith-Clarke
Dave Ortega
Tara Nelson
Alison Folland
Gordon Nelson

Executive Producer:
Victor Faccinto

Production Facilities:
Somerville Community Access Television
Somerville, MA

Airing daily September 1 – October 31, during Lunch (starting at 12pm CDT)

with new episodes every other week!

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