A recently deceased opossum makes his one phone call. Short film includes complete recipe for stuffed opossum. www.whitemanbrothers.com Airing nightly September 1 – October 31, during Midnight Snack (starting at 12am
ACRE TV is pleased to present: Psychedelicatessen September 1 – October 31, 2014 “The number I took took me and spiraling through the pickled kipper and the arugula rugalah, the babka bobbed, and my head went to
“Sapphire and Steel” Nightmare City
SAPPHIRE & STEEL 2012 20 YouTube Videos & 1 set of seventeen 12-minute BetaMax Video Cassettes SAPPHIRE & STEEL is NIGHTMARE CITY’s remake of an episode of the late 70s/early 80s British sci-fi/fantasy cult show
“Resonating Harshness” Emerson Sigman
Resonating Harshness is a performance for camera utilizing the body’s relationship to recording equipment. The work explores this tension between maker and material while harnessing frequency as a means of affect. EmersonSigman.com Airing: August 16, 2014,
“Accumulated Body” E. Aaron Ross
“Accumulated Body is a collection of videos from my father’s childhood growing up in Texas, narrated by my father. Originally shot on film during the idealized golden age of America, the film has since
“Runnel” Joseph Herring
Runnel is a live-stream broadcast from a network of tunnels built in the artist’s studio. Set in the post-human future, the tunneling system for (highly evolved) small mammals provides underground links to above ground
“45 Minutes of Nothing” Stacy Asher
still from 45 Minutes of Nothing Repeat airing of 45 Minutes of Nothing at a certain hour for 32 days consecutively, totaling 24 hours of nothing. The collapse of the dot-com bubble that took place during
“Alien Hour” Adrian Pijoan
Dr. Howard Lafayette, paranormal researcher, has a PhD in veterinary medicine as well as PhD level astrophysics coursework at Walden University. Through his extensive travels across the American Southwest as well as attendance at
“Phytovision – Live!” Lindsey French
Phytovision – Live! is a live series of television for plants. Reversing the logic of EagleCams, Phytovision – Live! broadcasts the dramatic growth of a small cast into planthood. Plants across the land can
“You’re watching: The Walking Dead” Brendan Meara
You’re watching: The Walking Dead production still You’re watching: The Walking Dead is a dystopian drama that unfolds within the confines of a broadcast monitor, that is connected to a broadcasting computer, and streaming live to