“D.^^.$.®” Samuel Fouracre

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Samuel Fouracre

D.^^.$.® is an evolving project of video clips, which stitch together a kaleidoscopic, twilit world of desire. It’s an unreal world full of dualities, reflections in infinite regress and extreme shades of colour that illuminate individuals as if becoming their perfect self-images. It’s the colour and shade of narcissism, of the world as we want to see it, with ourselves at the centre.

In this utopia, romance and narcissism circle around each other, somewhere between the individual and the social world, where brands are strangely nowhere to be seen. Here, images are seduction, and seduction is the business of acting oneself perfectly as an image, until there’s no distance between what one is and what one appears to be.


Airing September 16 – 18, 2015

As part of Tele-novela

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