Newcity: Jaime Davidovich/Threewalls


Jaime Davidovich. The Live! Show, 1980

A Newcity review of Threewalls’ show Outreach: Jaime Davidovich 1974-1984, which features Direct Object/Direct Action streaming in the gallery, highlights the role of ACRE TV:

“Inescapably the immediacy of Davidovich’s television programs is mediated and dated in a time-capsule presentation at Threewalls. However a screen loops Davidovich’s vintage programming with contemporary, Chicago-based artist television programming made by ACRE-TV (also available online), to demonstrate the continuing legacy of artist-run television and its expanding possibilities through online platforms.”

Read the full review written by Anastasia Karpova Tinari here.

See more of Jaime Davidovich’s work streaming on ACRE TV until March 31!

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