“The no enigma of a night” Danielle Zorbas

The no enigma of a night

Danielle Zorbas
2018 / 1:30 min / HD video

From a window where tasty fish is served as ordered and with a revolution being nothing but a circle, we go for a wander.

Amongst the figure, the space, art, city, social technologies, a relaxed agitation of surrealist subversion is absorbing.

Thanks to Tristan Bera



Online at ACRETV.org
November 8 – December 31, 2018

JumbleTron Program 1:
Daily from 6 am-6 pm CST

CUBED: Luminous
Pensacola Museum of Art
University of West Florida Museum Plaza
Pensacola, Florida
November 8-11, 2018

JumbleTron Program 1:
Thursday, November 8, & Friday, November 9, 2018
3-7 pm & 10:30 pm-12 am CST

Saturday, November 10 & Sunday, November 11, 2018
10:30 pm-12 am CST

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