“the pool” and “nationtime” Christine Lucy Latimer

latimer The Pool Still 2_Christine Lucy Latimer latimer The Pool Still_Christine Lucy Latimer

The Pool

1950’s 16mm swimmers dive unknowingly into video-infested waters.

A hybrid project created with found 16mm film projected through a broken glass plate, captured by two daisy-chained video cameras and run through a Vidiffektor (an analog video signal attenuator custom-built by Montreal artist James Schidlowsky). – CLL


latimer Nationtime Still_Christine Lucy Latimer latimer Nationtime Still 2_Christine Lucy Latimer


Cell-phone video footage of exploding fireworks is processed and extended through a series of VHS feedback loops. What was once a momentary blast becomes drawn out in time, emphasizing the beauty of pyrotechnic light, while juxtaposing analog and digital video artifacts. – CLL


Airing throughout the High Noon program, April 19-May 10, 2015 

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