“Lessons I-XXX” Martine Syms

Martine Syms_Lessons

Lessons I-XXX

Martine Syms
HD Video
Series of 45

Lessons is a series of commercials that use found footage, personal archives, and original footage to compose an extended, incomplete poem about the black radical tradition.




Sept 4 – 6: Lessons 1 – 4
Sept 7 – 9: Lessons 5 – 8
Sept 10 – 12: Lessons 9 – 12
Sept 13 – 15: Lessons 13 – 16
Sept 16 – 18: Lessons 17 – 20
Oct 20: Lessons 21 – 24
Oct 21: Lessons 25 – 28
Oct 22: Lessons 29 – 32
Oct 23: Lessons 33 – 36
Oct 28: Lessons 37 – 40
Oct 29: Lessons 41 – 44
Oct 30: Lessons 42 – 45


As part of Tele-novela

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