“Matrix Poppin’ Bot” Lucy Pawlak


Matrix Poppin’ Bot

Dir: Lucy Pawlak
Cinematography: Joaquin Del Paso

Matrix Poppin’ Bot, your very own robotic nanny , has 3 modes –  Parent,  Best Friend and  Teacher. She has a bump sensor, built-in CCTV, as well as touch, pain and temperature sensors on her head, arms and wheels. 

Here’s what some REAL PARENTS say:

“She’s so life-like they’re gunna have to invent a whole new category between animate and inanimate!”

“Poppin’ Bot banishes the ‘dull and dirty’ work of childcare.”  

“My little one’s even started talking like her – it’s so cute!”

“Poppin’ bot gives me the best of both worlds, my kids are 100% happy and I can give 100% to my work.”

“No more changing nappies, no more bathing, no more dressing, no more feeding.”


Airing October 9 – 12, 2015

As part of Tele-novela

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