Four LIVE Performances for RE/NIGHT/LIVE/MARE
December 13th, 2016


"Rehearsals of what I presume will be my favorite post-breath positions and variables" Richard HaleyRehearsals of what I presume will  be my favorite post-breath positions and variables
Richard Haley
Airing LIVE from Detroit
2-2:30 pm CT

This live broadcast will take the form of lecture discussing various possibilities of using my future corpse to create sculpture. This will be an attempt to locate the state between being and becoming a thing. Weight, mass, heat, and warm fluids will be tracked from their origins as building blocks of personhood and mapped to their dissension/ascension into purely spatial attributes disavowed from the body.


Transmit 2.0 Alejandro AciertoTransmit 2.0

Alejandro T Acierto
Airing LIVE from Chicago
6:30 pm CT

Transmit 2.0 is an audio/visual broadcast work that highlights the complex relationship we have with communication technologies.


gifvoidLet’s Be Friends

Jen Clay
Airing LIVE from Miami
7:30-8 pm CT

Let’s Be Friends is a performance where The Void, an untrustworthy character that is the manifestation of being afraid of the dark, speaks directly to the audience so that they may become “friends”.



"Zombie Tom Petty and the Mystery of My Dead Little Pony" Jan and DaveZombie Tom Petty and the Mystery of My Dead Little Pony
Jan and Dave
Airing LIVE from Miami
8-8:30 pm CT

Zombie Tom Petty and the Mystery of My Dead Little Pony gives us what we all need, a fighting chance to save the world from the Apocalypse; and that chance is none other than Zombie Tom Petty. With the assistance of friends like My Little Pony, an inflatable kangaroo, a bubble wand and the Devil himself, Zombie Tom Petty sets off on an adventure with potentially dire consequences for each and every one of us.

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