“These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us” Michael Robinson

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These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us

Michael Robinson

Tired of underworld and overworld alike, Isis escorts her favorite son on their final curtain call down the Nile, leaving a neon wake of shattered tombs and sparkling sarcophagi.

“Looking to a future beyond death, Michael Robinson’s These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us, one of the filmmaker’s most sophisticated found footage concoctions yet, combines Michael Jackson’s “Remember the Time” music video with footage of Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra and roughly a dozen other sources, creating for the late pop star a solemn passage into a bedazzled Egyptian afterlife tenderly ushered by his real-life confidante.” – Genevieve Yue, Reverse Shot, Winter 2010 

Airing September 27 – 30, 2015

As part of Tele-novela

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